Men Express Themselves |
Trying To Be 'Prince Charming' Russell Irving Roles. One of the common roles that we men play is that of 'Knight in Shining Armor'. We often do love rescuing a 'Damsel in Distress'! Regardless of the reason, these women often attract, as if a magnet, the man who might have a strong desire to please their partner. Or the man who doubts that he would ever be able to get the type of woman whom he secretly craves, to even notrice him; let alone choose him as a life-partner. Or the man who doesn't like the hassle of dealing with the dating scene. Or the man who needs to be needed. Or the man who has watched too many shows where the hero rushes in at the last moment in order to save the fair, young maiden. There are many of you who are willing to sacrifice your dreams for the immediate adoration and affection of these needy women. (Ladies, this is not a put-down, by the way, as there are plenty of needy men.) I know! You are different! And so is your specific situation. Your chosen lover. - You do what you do out of 'pure love' for this woman. But, I ask you to remove what covers your eyes, for the moment. Switch into the role of friend or advisor. If you could look at the situation from the viewpoint of your 'best bud', what would he say? What would the family who knows you best, say? By the way... How do I know so much about this topic? Aside from years of speaking with co-workers, observing others, reading, and... When I was a young man in my 20's, I thought of myself as a 'rescuer' and 'prince'. Luckily, I awoke from the dream before I helped to ruin both my life and the young lady's life. Fortunately, I held out for the woman whom I truly loved for who she was and who I was when with her. No settling. So, I ask any young (or old) princes out there to give serious consideration to the possibility that you are playing a rescuer's role. Because that is not the foundation for a lasting marriage or relationship. 'Nuff said. Send me your thoughts on this topic. Write me at - Your name will not be published if we decide to post your comments. I hope that we hear from you. Copyright Russell Irving 11-2012